Last weekend in the UK, the Queen’s platinum jubilee was celebrated for her 70 years of service to the crown but, did you know celebrating anniversaries is also a thing inside EUROAVIA?

EUROAVIA’s anniversary is usually celebrated every five years with the so-called Lustrum. The word Lustrum has its origins in ancient Rome, where the city was purified every five years and the term was later used to indicate a five-year term. While at the beginning the anniversary was celebrated every 10 years, then it started to be celebrated every 5.
The very first time the anniversary of our association was celebrated, was during the 10th anniversary in Aachen, the city where EUROAVIA was founded, and it coincided with the annual congress. While the last one was celebrated in 2019 (Also in Aachen!), for the 60th anniversary and XII Lustrum.
The celebration of the last Lustrum’s also coincided with the celebration of the EMEAC that year. During the celebration of the anniversary a series of conferences and discussions took place with guests from Airbus, the International Space University (ISU), the Community of Ariane Cities (CVA), RWTH Aachen, Lilium, and CAE Elektronik. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the developments of the aerospace industry but also network with representatives of the industry and other EUROAVIAns, which is one of the reasons why EUROAVIA was founded: establish a bridge between aerospace students around Europe and the aerospace industry.
As every great celebration, the Lustrum ended with a gala dinner. The next Lustrum will be in 2024 to commemorate the 65th anniversary, will you be there?