Have you ever wonder what are the local group’s logos inspired on? In this series of articles, you’ll learn a bit about the history of the logo of some local groups and what do they represent. Are you curious?

Oostende’s logo was recently changed, and it is inspired on the town and school where the AS is located, that is Oostende and VLOC (Vlaams Luchvaart Opleidingscentrum) respectively. Oostende is located on the Belgian coast, and an icon of this location related to the aerospace world is the Sea-King Helicopter. The Sea-King is a rescue helicopter that was in service along the Belgian coast, unfortunately it has been replaced with the NH-90 helicopter. Never the less, this iconic helicopter was used in the logo, since it’s part of the aircraft in the school’s hangar.

The school has a close relationship with the Belgian defense, and they make an annual celebration at one of their bases. To highlight the fact that they are a Belgian AS, the colors of the Belgian flag are included on the logo (Black, yellow and red).
During the design phase, the AS was helped by one of their members who is part of the Design WG of EUROAVIA International, who also made sure that the logo complied the Corporate Identity (CI).

Napoli’s logo is in honor of Gen. Prof. Umberto Nobile famous designer, dirigible pilot, and polar explorer. He is primarily remembered for designing and piloting the airship Norge, which has been the first airship to reach the North Pole. This airship is the highlight of their logo!
Moreover, Nobile was a professor of Aerodynamics and Aeronautical Construction at the University of Naples “Federico II” (home school of AS Napoli), as well as general of the Air Force Corps of Aeronautical Engineers. He wrote the history of the aerospace engineering department of Federico II, established the Cabinet of Aeronautical Constructions, and formed the most brilliant engineers in the Italian aeronautical field.

Braunschweig’s logo is inspired on the symbol of the city, which is the Brunswick Lion (Also known as “Castle Lion”). The history of this lion starts with Duke Henry the Lion of the House of Welf, who chose Braunschweig as his ducal residence in the 12th century. He was the ruler of Saxony and the founder of Munich.
One reminder of the Lion family’s legacy is the mighty lion statue created in Bronze which is placed at Dankwarderode Castle with a replica placed at the city center in front of Brunswick Cathedral. The city is commonly known also as the “Lion City” and the lion is part of the city’s identity, thus also shown on the local group’s logo.

Kocaeli’s logo is inspired on their home school, which is the Gebze Technical University. The university’s logo has a butterfly which is colored blue, yellow and white. This butterfly was later taken into the logo, and placed instead of the K from the “Kocaeli” text and the colors from the school were then included on EUROAVIA’s three-stripes.

València’s logo is inspired in one of the main landmarks of the city, this is the “Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciències”, part of the 12 treasures from Spain. The iconic arcs from the buildings are placed on the logo. This complex houses museums, expositions, symposiums from a wide variety of themes and it’s a great touristic attraction for those visiting Valencia. As suggested by the name, it is really a place for culture and science.