As the AMEAC in Naples that will take place at the beginning of October is approaching, have you ever wondered, when and where did the first AMEAC and EMEAC occur?

Since the establishment of EUROAVIA, congresses have been an important part of the association. During congresses important decisions that shaped the future of our association were taken. At the beginning, they used to take place yearly, and they were not only to vote motions but also to elect the new central committee.
During an extra congress in Stuttgart in 1989, EA Sweden expressed that they were against the statues of the association, and they proposed the definition of a new one. During the discussion, the decision of having two congresses per year was made: the AMEAC and EMEAC, which are the Annual Meeting of EUROAVIA Congress and the Electoral Meeting of EUROAVIA Congress, respectively.
From that moment on, during the EMEAC the Designated International Board is elected, and its elected members start to prepare their Business and Financial Plans to be presented during the AMEAC. During the AMEAC, which is the equivalent of the original Annual Congress, instead, the end of the Business Year is declared and the plans of the Designated International Board are approved. This declares the start of a new Business Year lead by a new International Board.
Congresses are not only about bureaucratic decisions, but they have also always been a great opportunity to share experiences with fellow EUROAVIAns, so don’t miss the chance to participate in one!