So, as an engineer (well, on my way to becoming one), my blood boils when people believe in conspiracy theories, and what it is worst is that most of them see themselves as superior and more intelligent creatures than the average person, like a pure irony of the universe.
Then, I will use this time to refute some of the theories that, thanks to the internet, go all around the world in seconds and poison the minds of the most society-disappointed people. But I won’t get into the Earth’s shape topic, because we all know its flat, otherwise planes would reach the space when traveling in a straight line. Therefore, this article is focused on conspiracies related to our natural satellite: The Moon.

First of all, why photos from the Moon don’t have any star shinning in the background? The answer of this is easy: as the Moon has no atmosphere, Sun’s light hits the surface directly making it too bright for a camera and even for human eyes (that’s why the glass of astronauts’ helmets is dark, like a pair of sunglasses). Cameras’ light sensibility is reduced to actually capture something, so less bright things end up not showing in the picture, like stars.

Second point is the USA flag weaving in the Moon, that some people thought was a proof of the Moon landing being recorded in a Kubrick’s studio. As mentioned before, the Moon has no atmosphere, which means that there is no friction with air. So, the torque that Neil Armstrong needed to stick the flag in the Moon could not dissipate, keeping it like this weaving shape until this day (But it has no movement). Oh, I forgot… The flag also has a horizontal stick forcing it to stay up right. These are the reasons why it looks like if it was being weaved by the wind instead of hanging down like conspiracies claim.

For the end, just a quick fact before the meme: Did you know that there was a movie about a supposedly land on Mars being recorded in a studio? And that only after that the conspiracy theories about the Moon started to appear? Huh….