Did you know there’s a place where historically EUROAVIAns got updates of what was going on inside the association? The magazine has been around for years, delivering information to all our members around Europe.

The idea of creating a magazine for EUROAVIA first came in 1960, when the central committee at the time wanted to publish the EUROAVIA Journal, which was a monthly publication which would keep EUROAVIAns around Europe updated with the activities of the association. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? In fact, this is the format of what we currently call the Newsletter, where EUROAVIAns receive updates on what is happening in other AS and at an international level (subscribe here!).
Sadly, the publication of the first magazine had to wait for four years, due to the lack of funds. The first edition was edited in London and printed in Delft back in 1964. The magazine included updates on the activities of the AS around Europe, international activities, and articles about aeronautics and space. Back then, each AS had a member responsible for sending an article to the working group who edited the magazine in London, and finding advertisers to fund the publication of the magazine.
Currently, the Communication Working Group (CM WG) is in charge of editing the EUROAVIA Magazine, which is published on a yearly basis, and the Newsletter, which is sent every month. Recently, this year’s issue of the magazine was published, and you can read it here, it’s worth it!