Hello, fellow EUROAVIAns, leaves are falling off threes, the weather is getting colder, and everybody is preparing for Halloween, it can only mean one thing, October is finally here!
These first two months of the academic year have been so exciting for EUROAVIA Napoli, we’re experiencing life in the newly elected Local Board, and we are laying the foundation for our next events.
So, let’s start with SEPTEMBER, it wasn’t a fully packed month since our local board was focused their first meeting and let me tell you it was a long one, with a lot of team building.
We are proud to announce that this month one of the most famous drone companies in the world has decided to support us for our next events, IFlight. IFlight was founded in 2014 in a small office. Nowadays they have a global production aimed to every field of application of vehicles, from videography to education and even freestyle racing, the only limit is your fantasy.
They gifted us one of their best radio controllers, the IFlight Commando 8 ExpressLRS Radio Transmitter, a game-style radio controller that comes with a built-in ExpressLRS module for best-in-class RF performance. And yes, you guessed it right, with this beauty, one of our incoming projects is about drones and we are dying to tell you more, but there’s time and place for everything, but not now, as Professor Oak would say.

The main event for the month of October was our first seminar of the academic year, on October 19th we’ve hosted Dealing with Space Debris: Challenge and Solutions, in collaboration with Aeropolis and AIDAA, a seminar where many experts talked about one of the most dangerous phenomena happening right now in the Low Earth Orbit.
We hope this kind of events can promote research, education and cooperation to be able to have a better future for us all, facing the problems we create instead of ignoring them as we did too many times in our history.

We’d like to thank Prof. Michele Grassi from Federico II Industrial Engineering Department, Eng. Enrico Ferrone from Thales Alenia Space, Eng. Alessandra Gallucci from OKAPI: Orbits and Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Nachira from the Italian Airforce for making it possible.
It was an incredible success, with more than 100 people attending and we have been particularly enthusiastic about the range of year of students that decided to join us.
We’re also finally giving life to our new Technical Project Department (TP Dept) whose main goal is to design and realize prototypes to allow its members to participate in local and international contests, with a new logo design by our amazing G&C Dept!

This is definetly a promising start for this amazing new year and we’re ready for the Extraordinary Election we’re having the 25th of this month hoping to enlarge our Local Board
We’d like to thank you all for reading, wishing you an extraordinary month and see you in the next Newsletter.
AS Napoli