Hello fellow EUROAVIAns,
From AS Sevilla we hope that you all had a productive month, so let’s start with our February review.
As February started, we also began our activities for the new year after preparing them in January. We had our second general meeting of the year, where we exposed to our members the development of the year and the plans for the new semester. The most expected announcement was the date and place for our annual field trip, all the members were surprised when we announced that we will go to Valencia for the first week of April to enjoy the city.
On February 13th, some of our local members were lucky enough to visit the Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales (CATEC). The Advanced Aerospace Technology Center (CATEC), implemented and managed by FADA, The Andalusian Aerospace Development Foundation (FADA), a non-profit foundation constituted at the end of 2007 whose aim is to promote public and private activities for the economic development of the Andalusian aerospace sector. CATEC is a centre of excellence that acts as a bridge between the agents of the Science, Technology and Business. Its objectives include meeting the demand for R&D&I of the more than 130 companies that make up the aeronautical industrial sector of Andalusia and the rest of national and international companies, transferring to them knowledge and technology in their respective fields of application.

We were informed about the different divisions they have, as Avionics and Systems, which has extensive experience in the development of new UAS/drone technologies; Materials and Processes, which includes metal fabrication, composite materials, and process automation. In addition, we were able to see their facilities and how they work.

Finally, we went go-karting the last week of the month with our most active members. They raced with the same determination as they face their projects, laughing and competing. It was a day of camaraderie and friendship-building, with memories that would stick around.
AS Sevilla