As several European countries began reopening their borders and easing the COVID restrictions, EUROAVIA started to plan the comeback of the long-anticipated International Events. The journey was not easy, marked by uncertainties, but EUROAVIANs could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The first International Event after the two-year stop was EMEAC 2022 in Bucharest (Romania) in March. This seven-day event not only elected the new DIB but also introduced new EUROAVIAns to the world of in-person events. The event brought together representatives from the Local Groups from all over Europe and from the WGs. While the event was a success, it revealed a pressing concern-the lack of motivation to take over the IB after the lockdown period. This was again seen during the AMEAC later that year, with just 3 DIB members elected, which ledthe participants to not exonerate two IB officers, reaching a 5-member IB for the new BY.
EMEAC 2022 marked the beginning of a series of events organized across EUROPE, including Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Türkiye, Greece, and Poland. Among these events there was the Airbus Sloshing Rocket Workshop finals and the classic Fly-Ins, Symposiums, TNTs, Congresses. They highlighted the determination of the Local Groups to keep the association’s spirit alive and give the participants great memories. This mentality helped the association grow and gain its pre-pandemic shape.
New projects took off, reflecting the efforts made during the past difficult years. Some of these initiatives were the PACE contest; Future & Beyond, which tries to close the bridge between the students and industry for their career at the end of the studies; EUROAVIA Mentoring Programme, which gives the opportunity to members to talk with industry experts for insights. During 2023, the first edition of the Ideathon was organized, adopting a hackaton format in a two-phase event.
The return to normality was full of challenges and there were still a lot of things to work on, reigniting the motivation needed to lead the IB. Nevertheless, the future looks bright and with the approval of the 5-year plan in 2023, we have a path to help EUROAVIA achieve remarkable milestones across Europe.