EUROAVIA has always been an association promoting innovation, leadership, and collaboration among aerospace engineering students across Europe. These values resonate deeply with the International Board (IB) treasurer for the Business Year 2024-2025, Stamatis Moraitis. Read on to learn about his journey, how EUROAVIA shaped his perspective, and his vision for the association’s future.
An Early Start with EUROAVIA
Stamatis joined EUROAVIA in his very first month at university back in 2020. Encouraged by a friend, he discovered an association filled with opportunities, even during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I heard about it through a friend and decided to join to see where it would take me,” he recalls.
This decision marked the beginning of an enriching experience that would later shape his academic and professional journey. His first taste of international engagement came through an online event -Hackathon- in 2020. The virtual format, including a cooking session instead of a traditional cultural night, was an eye-opening experience. His first in-person International Event, the Electoral Meeting of EUROAVIA Annual Congress (EMEAC) in Bucharest 2022, was a milestone.
“Seeing so many people for the first time in person after months of online meetings was simply amazing!”

Stepping Up: From Local Group to IB
Stamatis’ journey within EUROAVIA was a natural progression. He started from the local level, being the Technical Executive in EUROAVIA Patras, and later joined the International Events Working Group.
“I’ve always loved organizing events and bringing people together,” he explains.

Fun moments of EUROAVIA International Events
His leadership skills further developed as he took on roles in different Working Groups, such as the Communication and the European Grants Working Groups. This was not enough for Stamatis, as he continued taking on more responsibilities, such as becoming the coordinator of the International Events Working Group for the Business Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. His enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment to the Association helped shape crucial proposals for the future of EUROAVIA. Wanting to actively be one of the people unfolding EUROAVIA’s true potential, Stamatis stepped up to join the International Board for the 2024-2025 Business Year.

A Vision for Growth and Unity
As a member of the IB, Stamatis prioritizes expanding EUROAVIA’s reach, strengthening industry-academia connections, and ensuring members understand the purpose behind every initiative. “Sometimes we do things just because they’ve always been done a certain way,” he reflects. “I want to shift the mindset towards seeing the bigger picture and the true purpose of our actions.”
A key project he is excited about is an upcoming EUROAVIA event that is going to be held in November 2025 that its location and topics will soon be announced in our Social Media accounts.
“It’s going to be the first major EUROAVIA-organized conference in years, featuring industry experts and covering topics in aerospace,” he reveals.
Another initiative close to his heart is the Airbus Sloshing Rocket Workshop, which has attracted a highly diverse group of participants this year.
The EUROAVIAn Spirit
For Stamatis, the EUROAVIAn Spirit is about unity and shared passion. “It’s about connecting aerospace and aeronautical engineers from across Europe, despite language and cultural differences, through our common love for the field,” he explains. This spirit, he believes, is what makes EUROAVIA a unique and powerful community.
Reflecting on his happiest memories, Stamatis highlights the AMEAC 2022 in Napoli, Italy. “Many found it intense, but for me, it was the moment I realized how special this association truly is,” he says. Another cherished experience was the final dinner at the ECS Symposium in Patras, where he celebrated with friends who had become more like family.

ECS Symposium 2022 Patras
Looking ahead
When asked about his long-term vision, Stamatis dreams of a future where EUROAVIA is present in every European university with an aerospace department. “I want EUROAVIA to be a recognized name in the industry, synonymous with producing top aerospace talent,” he asserts.
As his term progresses, he hopes to leave behind an association that is not only financially stable but also more aware of its potential and impact.
“EUROAVIA is not just an organization; it’s a transformative journey that shapes engineers into future leaders,” he concludes.
If you want to read more Wingspan Conversations, check out this article from the current EUROAVIA President.