Hello, fellow EUROAVIAns, leaves are falling off threes, the weather is getting colder, and everybody is preparing for Halloween, it can only mean one thing, October is finally here!
Category: EUROAVIA Updates
Be up to date with everything that happens in EUROAVIA, then European Association of Aerospace Students.
October 2023 Update from AS Kocaeli
A new semester is beginning at our university and we, AS KOCAELİ, placed a stand to introduce both EUROAVIA and AS KOCAELİ to newcomers and those who are not familiar with the association. We’ve met many new friends who are curious and excited to learn about EUROAVIA. We provided information about Working Groups, International Events, application procedures, and more. We’re planning to organize exciting events in the future with the enthusiastic students, aiming to increase our membership and include more active people in EUROAVIA.
Attendance of AS Patras to ExMEAC 2023
On 25 September 2023, the Extra Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress of 2023 took place in Sevilla. The purpose of the Meeting was the Nomination and finally election of new DIB Candidates.
September 2023 Update from AS Bordeaux
This month has been full of new things for AS Bordeaux, the new local board has been presented to our members and has taken office. We (AS Bordeaux retired LB) wish them good luck in their mission this BY.
UCA&Air project from AS Cádiz
The local EUROAVIA association in Cádiz has spearheaded the creation of the UCA&Air project, an aeromodeling team formed to participate in the upcoming editions of the Air Cargo Challenge.
Ideathon 2023 from AS Terrassa
From September 3rd to September 7th, 2023, AS Terrassa hosted an international event in its first edition, the Ideathon 2023. During this time, 21 participants organized into 5 teams came together to tackle the challenges presented by Ansys and GTD Software and Systems Engineering during a rigorous 24-hour competition.
Did you know? EMEAC
Recently, the Electoral Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress (EMEAC) took place in Bremen, where the Designated International Board (DIB) was elected. But did you know that the first EMEAC also took place in German soil back in 1990?
Did you know? Lustrum
Last weekend in the UK, the Queen’s platinum jubilee was celebrated for her 70 years of service to the crown but, did you know celebrating anniversaries is also a thing inside EUROAVIA? EUROAVIA’s anniversary is usually celebrated every five years with the so-called Lustrum. The word Lustrum has its origins in ancient Rome, where the…
Did you know? Fly-Ins
Finally, from the start of the pandemic in 2020 when the International Events came to a halt, the first Fly-In has just taken place in Dresden between May 8th – 12th, 2022. But do you know how Fly-Ins started? Fly-Ins started back in 1986, in a period when EUROAVIA was growing fast with new local…