The 5th edition of Airbus Sloshing Rocket Workshop (ASRW), a prestigious event for aerospace engineering students, took place in Lisbon, at the Instituto Superior Técnico and the Portuguese Air force Academy facilities from the 9th to the 15th of August 2024. In this year’s competition, several records were broken, including the highest number of registrations, greater horizontal flight distance and highest number of successful launches. A team from the University of Bologna and AS Forlì-Bologna, “Squirrel Works”, comprised of members from Italy, Spain, and Colombia, claimed victory at the end of the event.
Category: EUROAVIA Updates
Be up to date with everything that happens in EUROAVIA, then European Association of Aerospace Students.
Fly-In Bordeaux 2024
From the 27th of May to the 1st of June 2024, as AS Bordeaux, we had the opportunity to host a Fly-In, welcoming EUROAVIAns from all over Europe. We took the chance to also organise a conference open to the public during this week, called “Conquering a New Sky”.
Empowering Students Through Competitions and Technical Projects from AM Cairo
As students, we are always striving to learn and develop our skills. However, deciding whether to pursue an academic or industry career path can be challenging. One effective way to explore our interests is by participating in student competitions. Over the years, it has been proven that competitions help students become more innovative, develop critical thinking skills, gain more knowledge, and acquire hands-on experience that cannot be obtained solely through university coursework.
Air Cargo Challenge 2024 from AS Aachen
The Air Cargo Challenge (ACC) 2024 was hosted by the Aachen Drone Development Initiative (ADDI) and AS Aachen, and it was a fantastic three-day event. ADDI had the opportunity to host the event this year by winning the last edition of the ACC that was held in Munich back in 2022. It is a competition for university students in the engineering or science fields, which offers practical application of the acquired knowledge in aircraft modelling.
Rocket Workshop 2024 from AS Bucharest
Dear EUROAVIANS, a few weeks ago, the 12th edition of our flagship event, the Rocket Workshop 2024, took flight and it was a blast. The event was organised by EUROAVIA Bucharest between the 16th and 19th of May. The hard work of the organising team paid off and resulted in an event that was highly appreciated by the participants. Everyone involved had a great time and all the time spent organising this event was not in vain.
June 2024 Update from AS Napoli
It has finally happened, probably the biggest and most complex local event of EUROAVIA Napoli history. On the 13th of May the workshop NO SPOILER started. It consisted of a 24 people challenge where every team had to design and build a car spoiler.
June 2024 Update from AS Patras
The skies are not the limit for EUROAVIA Patras, as our members continue to soar to new heights in both professional development and innovative engineering. The end of May marked a significant milestone for our association, with events that not only enhanced our members’ career prospects, but also set the stage for another year of ambitious projects and leadership.
June 2024 Update from AS Dresden
All the German local groups of EUROAVIA pride themselves on their connection on a national level. We organise events together like visits to the manufacturing plant of Airbus in Hamburg or a trip to Hannover to visit the Bundeswehr and their fleet of A400M. All these activities take place once a year in a meetup in one of the towns in which EUROAVIA is represented in. Previous instalments of this tradition were hosted by Bremen (2021), Aachen (2022), Stuttgart (2023) and now for the 4th year in a row we were able to organise such a get-together. This year in – maybe the most beautiful German city – Dresden.
Space Meetings Veneto 2024
Space Meetings Veneto is a specialised event that fosters connections and collaborations within the space sector over three days. The event brings together upstream and downstream suppliers, aeronautics companies, investors, buyers, research centres, government agencies, and space agencies.
Mastering the Skies: Take a look inside the Model Airplane Workshop by EUROAVIA Athens!
It was such a pleasure to organise and host our first Model Airplane Workshop at the National Technical University of Athens! Together, we had the chance to not only learn exciting facts but also how to construct them from the ground up. We had a great time meeting all of our participants whose impeccable determination helped them succeed and build amazing models!