I promised I would have not talked about why the Earth is round and not flat, but luckily, I’m a person with no principles nor respect for myself.
The Flat Earth theory is the most old-school of conspiracy theories, like an old man when he gets to a new area of the city and says: “This was all countryside”.

First thing to comment on the flat Earthers is their bias. Most of the flat Earth enjoyers are related to the Catholic Church to some extent and most of their arguments come from the Bible, like Samuel Birley who said that the Sun, the Moon and all of the stars and planets would be just a few miles away from us. Some other curious affirmations from flat Earthers are such as that Australia and Finland do not even exist, …lol, I can understand them: A country full of giant spiders? Sounds fantasy to me.
Other thing that flat Earthers deny is gravity. Somehow gravity models do not work for their extravagant theory, which is totally correct of course (one funny thing about this people is how selfish and pedantic they are, so that they are never wrong), so this can only mean that Newton only got a headache after the apple-hit-incident and all his work was pure bullshit. So how do we stay attached to the ground if gravity is set to zero? Well, a flat Earther would tell you that the flat Earth and all its system in consequence are constantly accelerating upwards. At this point I would prefer to believe on Scientology, which is at least funny.
To some extent, I envy flat Earthers, because it is easy to believe everything we are told instead of looking for real information and working hard for understanding physics and science in general. All you have to do is waking up in Arizona, go to church each Sunday and just drive your truck during the week, drink beer and do redneck stuff with the homies.
But it is my duty to apport some proof to my banal attacks. For example, I know flat Earthers do not travel, because they think that planes are trains and that all of that is a conspiracy. Did we forget that some of them claimed Australia does not exist? But if they travelled, they would see the night sky rotating differently in the northern hemisphere than the southern, something that would be impossible with a flat Earth in lack of another completely convoluted theory, like the funny flat encephalogram ideas such as an ice-wall avoiding the water to fall from the flat disk.
In reality flat Earth conspiracy has become completely unsupportable as the number of new random and crazy theories to argument it made it beat the normal-Earth-fact in terms of complexity and, as explained by the Ockham’s razor, the simpler theory usually gets to be the correct one.