Did you know that formation workshops are an idea that came along the way and was not a standard at the beginning of EUROAVIA? Even though we are now familiar with these events and they keep our organization going, this was not always the case.
At the 1999 AMEAC, the congress decided to create a formation project which had the goal to provide EUROAVIA with the organizational capacity that would enhance its potentials of achieving its purposes. The attendants of this event should transfer the acquired knowledge to their Local Boards, so that EUROAVIA would work correctly. This reveled itself to be a turning point for our association, since, back then, it was not the mature organization that a 40-year-old association should be. Typical examples were the loss of information or the lack of know-how that had systematically delayed EUROAVIA reaching its goals. To this aim, it was AS Lisbon that hosted the first “Formation Project” of EUROAVIA.

These events, now called Formation Workshops (FoWo), are hosted every year and comprehend soft skills trainings delivered by the EUROAVIA Training System WG (ETS WG) for the participants. This Business Year, the formation Workshop is being delivered in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (precisely during the week of the publication of this article!)