Did you know there’s a place where historically EUROAVIAns got updates of what was going on inside the association? The magazine has been around for years, delivering information to all our members around Europe. The idea of creating a magazine for EUROAVIA first came in 1960, when the central committee at the time wanted to…
Category: Aerospace Articles
A brief deny of Moon conspiracies
So, as an engineer (well, on my way to becoming one), my blood boils when people believe in conspiracy theories, and what it is worst is that most of them see themselves as superior and more intelligent creatures than the average person, like a pure irony of the universe. Then, I will use this time…
International Civil Aviation Organization – ICAO
ICAO is the main body for regulation in aviation and a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is funded and directed by 193 national governments to support their diplomacy and cooperation in air transport as signatory states to the 1944 Chicago Convention. ICAO coordinates the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters…
Did you know? First EMEAC and AMEAC
As the AMEAC in Naples that will take place at the beginning of October is approaching, have you ever wondered, when and where did the first AMEAC and EMEAC occur? Since the establishment of EUROAVIA, congresses have been an important part of the association. During congresses important decisions that shaped the future of our association…
Airport security after 9/11
Most of us don’t know how easy it was for people to arrive at the gate of the airports before the 11th of September 2001, as you could just arrive some minutes before your flight. Nowadays, you have to wait many minutes, if not hours, in line at the security check before boarding. It was…
Fun with Logos! (3)
AS Aachen The skyline over the EUROAVIA logo shows one of the most iconic buildings of Aachen, the cathedral. The shown skyline corresponds to the view of the cathedral from the area called the “Katschhof”. The view from the Katschhof is the most iconic view of the Aachen cathedral. For AS Aachen’s members, it was…
Fun with Logos! (2)
Today we will continue to tell the story of the logos of our local groups. Forlì-Bologna In Greek mythology, Icarus, Daedalus’ son, died while trying to escape from Cretan Labyrinth by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. The idea of aviation touched on deep-seated concerns and emotions in the early…
Fun with Logos! (1)
Have you ever wonder what are the local group’s logos inspired on? In this series of articles, you’ll learn a bit about the history of the logo of some local groups and what do they represent. Are you curious? Oostende Oostende’s logo was recently changed, and it is inspired on the town and school where…
A gun with a plane
If you ask any US veteran how angels sound like, the answer would look more like a BRTTTT!!! than any Tik-Tok trending music. And that’s what you get when you put wings around a car-like sized gatling cannon. That’s what Fairchild Republic had in mind when the A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog for the friends) was…
Did you know? First President of EUROAVIA
On our last “Did you know?” we presented EUROAVIA’s foundation, but do you know who was our first President? (Small hint, his name is on the Founding protocol of EUROAVIA) The first President of EUROAVIA, who is also known as the father of our association, is Jean Roeder. He studied in RTWH Aachen, where he…