On July 1st, the European space mission EUCLID was launched from Cape Canaveral. The telescope will explore space trying to obtain more data about dark energy.
Category: #Aerotrivia
The Everlasting Airborne Legend… Spitfire
One of the most iconic aircraft of the 20th century, the Spitfire protected the sky of the United Kingdom during the Second World War and helped Royal Air Force to have the upper hand in the Battle for Britain. With its elliptical wings and the unique aerodynamic look that made it one of the best…
The revolution of flight we were waiting for
Probably over the past years you’ve heard Richard Benson talk about his company Virgin Galactic, and how this is the door to space-tourism or even Jeff Bezos with Blue Origin’s flights that open up space for everyone. But what’s the physical principle behind these novel flights?
From Bland to Gourmet at 30,000 Feet: The Evolution of Airline Meals
What did you eat last time onboard? Was it a sandwich or maybe some crackers? This is what most companies offer, but what about something like caviar and foie gras? Today we will discover some of the meals offered by companies to their customers and how meals have changed throughout history. When we think of…
Aviation in Wars: How Aircraft Changed the Battlefield
Since the dawn of aviation, aircraft have played a significant role in shaping the outcomes of wars. From the early days of reconnaissance and aerial photography to the modern era of advanced combat aircraft, aviation has transformed the battlefield in numerous ways. In this article, we will explore the impact of aircraft in wars, how…
The most expensive science fiction story ever
Today, I wanted to talk about Tom Cruise’s dark side. Yup… You read well, I’m talking about the less bright aspects of his life, not the fictitious Sr72 Darkstar. I came to the realization that talking about his ex-wives, or his anger issues, or even his manipulative character, was something for tabloids instead of this…
Behind the Scenes of Air Crash Investigations: The Role of Aircraft Black Boxes
If you ever watch an episode of “Air crash investigations” or had some classes about safety and avionics, you might know what a black box is. But do you know what it is and what it is made of? In aviation, a black box is a device used to record flight data and cockpit voice…
Can paint be an issue on modern aircraft?
As modern aircraft introduce novel materials into their structures, several factors must be considered on how all the materials interact with each other under all the environmental conditions an aircraft may encounter.
Golfing in the Moon as a sport
As I promised when I talked about the conspiracy theories that surround the Moon, I will explain how Alan Shepard put a golf ball out of the Moon’s gravitational pull, however, I can’t do it without commenting on the Apollo 14. The Apollo 14 mission was the last of the H-missions, intended for research on…
Eyes in the sky
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) is a vital component of modern air defense systems. It provides a comprehensive and integrated view of the battlefield, enabling friendly aircraft to operate effectively and neutralize potential threats. AWACS is essentially a flying radar platform that can detect aircraft, missiles, and ships at ranges of hundreds of kilometers…